Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Reference Books for UDKScript

I found two books might help for developing UDK Script.

Actually, they really did! If you are just new to UDK script then I strongly recommend them.
 especially the first one :

Unreal Development Kit Game Programming with UnrealScript: Beginner's Guide.

Week One: Spending time set up the Visual C++
Week Two: Follow a lot of tutorial and getting understanding how UDK script work. spawn a cube base on camera' position and rotation.
Week Three: Make a Box follow player camera and also save the data by using Tick()
Week Four: Replay the box movement.

Monday, 16 July 2012


I wrote a simple relation to deal with the connecting job in relation constrain.
Here you can download it.

Right now it can only connect one slot at one time. but it is enough for me.
Basically I use it while do the stabilized Markers in motionbuilder.

# 1. Creat a Relation Constrain named "Relation". and Drag sender and receiver onto the relation panel.
# 2. Execute the script.

Sunday, 8 July 2012


Petty cool plug in for Maya animator!
but it is not free

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Getting start with UDK Script

This article is for whom are new to UDK Script:

If you are just beginner of C++ and want to getting start with UDK. I hope this will help you a bit! I am using python for a while but totally new to C++. So it is painful for me to setup the environment for C++ at begging.

If you want to use Microsoft Visual C++ Shell 2010 with nFringe.
goto UE3:Setting Up a New Game Project Tutorial (UDK) definitely helpful.

If you are using N++
Download Notepad++
Goto SorceFroge download UnrealScrip
ReadHere if you don't have idea how to load a User Defined Language files.

Using Auto-competion
Go to Settings -> Preferences, and switch to the Backup/Auto-competion tab.

Setup Debug
Go to Run, and click "...".
Choose the UDK.exe which locate in somewhere like"C:\UDK\UDK-2012-02\Binaries\Win32"

The first tutorial I followed is UDK Loading and Saving Data with UDKScript

That's All I got for now.

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

An open drawing project :alchemy

Roadkill UV Tool

Roadkill UV Tool是我目前用過最好的外掛