Tuesday, 22 January 2013

No Data after improting camera from .fbx to 3DsMax

Two problems:

One : When the camera import to 3DsMax. It stay same position, not moving at all, but does rotate.
Solution 1: Using send to MAX. But somehow it still stay same position. But cameras do have translation information on FCurve.
Solution 2: Before send to MAX create a new object ( box, null, etc...) into scene. then send with the new object. Works!

Second : Cameras don't show up when import or sent to MAX.
Solution: Back to Motionbuilder then go to navigator. To see if cameras appear on the Camera List but not Scene List. Delete the Cameras then Undo ( Ctrl+z ). It should be appear on the scene list. So now it is good to go to Max or Maya.

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