Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Paint Weight Cause Fatal Error Maya2012 (Solved)

Looks like the model that I work on had some problems. So it keeps Maya crush when I was using paint weight tool. After I googled it. There have two solutions.

1.Turn off undo
2.Export the model to obj then re-import again ( works for me )

But I think there should be something wrong with that model. Then I found it's UV map has two channel, Buuuuuut, the map channel has no UV. Why I found this? because when I re-import the obj. after re-assign the texture. Nothing shows up on the model.

I went back to the old file which was crash a the time. I copied the UV from exit one to miss one. then no more Error!

So next time if you have same issue. Go to check your UV first. If there nothing goes wrong, then do export obj.


Unknown said...

I love you.... that totally fixed it for me !! wooo! thanks

Jiapei Lu said...

You are welcome. I am glad that it helps others.