Thursday, 21 April 2022

Krita python export png per layer


因為Krita 免費,又可以用Python撰寫

執行位置: 工具>指令稿>指令稿工具


Python code: 下載位置

 @Jiapei Lu 2022  
 This tool is to export png per layer with baselayer, and make a folder for store all those exported pics.  
 It applys the name of the layer as a filename automatically.  
 Exported folder will be created under where the opened file is.  
 from krita import *  
 import os  
 export_png_folder_name = 'export_png' # you can change the folder name here.  
 doc = Krita.instance().activeDocument()#access to current file  
 doc_dir = os.path.dirname( doc.fileName( ))#get the file path  
 exportDir = os.path.join( doc_dir, export_png_folder_name)# building the path for exporting  
 #If folder doesn't exist then create the folder for export pics  
 if not os.path.isdir( exportDir):  
   os.makedirs( exportDir)  
 batchNodes = []#this for containing all the layer nodes  
 #First: Go over all layer turn off it's visible except basic layer.  
 for node in doc.topLevelNodes()[ 1:] :  
     node.setVisible( 0)   
     batchNodes.append( node )  
 #Second: Trun on the visible of the layers one by one then exporting it.  
 for node in batchNodes:  
   node.setVisible( 1)  
   doc.refreshProjection() #This is supper imported to refresh view. Otherwise the exported pic could be wrong.  
   info = InfoObject()# InfoObject is a dictionary with specific export options  
   info.setProperty( "alpha", True)  
   info.setProperty( "compression", 9)  
   info.setProperty( "forceSRGB", False)  
   info.setProperty( "indexed", False)  
   info.setProperty( "interlaced", False)  
   info.setProperty( "saveSRGBProfile", False)  
   info.setProperty( "transparencyFillcolor", [0,0,0])     
   path = os.path.join(exportDir, + ".png"), doc.resolution(), doc.resolution(), info)  
   doc.setActiveNode( node)  
   doc.exportImage( path, info)    
   node.setVisible( 0)  
   doc.refreshProjection( )   
 Application.setBatchmode( False)  
 QMessageBox.information( Application.activeWindow().qwindow(), "Done and Done", "All done!")  

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